Mary Magdalene Community Services (MMCS) was established in 2003 as a non-profit community based organization. This organization holds its own Internal Revenue tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3) and provides charitable community social services in the county. The core theme is “helping individuals by starting where they are”. The philosophy of this organization is expressed best by the mission statement “to increase client’s access to appropriate services so as to enhance individual and family well being.” We achieve this by direct provision of services or appropriate referrals into existing agencies. It is based on a client-centered focus that considers the whole mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Our service delivery methods include increasing the level of participation of client and families in all aspects of the service systems they need. Our system recognizes ethnic disparities that exist and access challenges that enable these disparities to remain. Assisting clients in benefit acquisition, wherever the need may be, is central to our work.
Recognizing the need for a consumer and family-driven system is congruent with the African American theology of wellness in the village. We support increasing the array of community services for individual and families who are in crisis or struggling with life challenges. We know that it is essential as it makes possible the opportunities for family and individual recovery, resilience, and overall wellness.
To implement this important work, we have both full-time and part-time staff at this time.
Mrs. Geneva Haynes, M.S.W.
Mrs. Haynes holds a Masters in Social Work from Sacramento State University. She has over 30 years of social work management level experience. Additionally, Mrs. Haynes has both clinical and managerial experience in both mental health and social service settings. Mrs. Haynes has managed social work programs with budgets as large as 10.8 million dollars total and managed teams of over 100 staff. Mrs. Haynes has 15 years of overseeing the County Public Health AIDS/HIV program. As founder of MMCS, she brings critical expertise to bear for social services, health, and judicial considerations in the non-profit arena.